As many of you have noticed, I have stopped posting new images for the last couple of months. I have been far too sick to work since we found out that we are expecting our first baby in the spring. With this happy news, I am already having to make adjustments to my work schedule and habits. My original intention for this project was to exhibit the paintings as a complete body of work, but I have since decided to make the pieces available individually online at my new Etsy shop until early 2008. I am thankful for all the good feedback and kind words over the past year, and I hope that you have enjoyed looking at the pieces as much as I have enjoyed painting them. Many thanks!
~ Megan
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
blue jay treasure
evening warmth
summer haze
sun baked
fields in motion
green hills

After feeling under the weather for the better part of the week, I find myself again in the position of catching up on delinquent posts. I have been sorting through piles of old reference in my studio, and have come across several little gems. Before getting a really great digital camera, I shot all my reference on an old 35mm all-manual camera that gave me tiny, blurry prints. Not ideal for painting large pieces, but great for doing tiny studies like these.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
spider lily
caney evening mist
center hill lake

Over the weekend we camped on Center Hill Lake, luckily during a time when it was mostly deserted. We discovered a spot near our campsite where a rocky bluff dropped deep into the lake with just enough of a gentle slope that we could swim there. The water was perfect, slightly cool on the hot summer morning.
distant cornfields
passing fields

Somehow yet again, too much time has passed since my last post. It has begun to feel like my summer is in a constant loop of driving to Atlanta (which I have done three out of the last four weekends) and camping. Not all bad, but just very busy! So, in the spirit of catching up, here are some new paintings. This one is from much earlier in the summer when we drove through the midwest...I am still finding all sorts of inspiration from that wide-open landscape.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
fast study

Tonight in the painting class I found myself getting stuck as I reworked the piece I started last week. I took the last fifteen mintues to do a quick sketch of the model in profile, in order to get a fresh look at everything. Although I am no more pleased with this canvas than I was with the original attempt, it was still a fun exercise.
Monday, July 23, 2007
ohio field
Sunday, July 22, 2007
farm memory

We ended up "down south" this evening in Williamson County, my former home, to go tent shopping and out for dinner with my mom. We took the country way, past several old farms that eventually disappear into a sprawling shopping area. This image from a Brentwood farm was on the top of my reference pile tonight, and I thought it was a good time to revisit it.
woods edge

We heard from our friend Lee the other day, who is trying to help us find a place to live near him in rural western North Carolina. Now that Derek is finished with school, we are preparing for the next phase of our lives, hopefully one with plenty of woods, streams, and mountains in it. This image reminded me of what I hope will be the future.
open water

I really have been painting every day, but in the excitement of the new Harry Potter release, I seem to have forgotten to actually post the pieces. Here is a river study taken from my last Ohio trip. I like the simplicity of it so much that I just might paint a larger version, even though I had only intended this as a small study.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
big meadow

A student from my painting class had requested a demo on my landscape approach, so last week I showed the students how I handle a typical painting in the studio. I had a large pile of reference accumulated from the exercise, and on top was this image from a painting trip to the Shenandoah Valley with my friend Steph from several years back. We have both painted this spot numerous times, and to the best of my recollection it was called simply "Big Meadow." There was something magical about waiting for the afternoon storm to roll in, standing on a bald surrounded by the highest mountain all around. I will never forget that week.
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