Derek happened to spot a stand of exquisite spider lilies near our campsite. They look so exotic that it is surprising to find out that they are native to the much a surprise as finding a passionflower.
My favorite spot for trout seeking lately is at a shallow bend in the river where the wading is easy and the banks are somewhat open. Beautiful farms line the banks, alternating with dense woods.
Continuing my recent obsession with the Caney Fork River, I managed to get in a few hours of late-afternoon fishing on Sunday, leaving just as the mist was thickening on the water, rolling in the evening chill.
Over the weekend we camped on Center Hill Lake, luckily during a time when it was mostly deserted. We discovered a spot near our campsite where a rocky bluff dropped deep into the lake with just enough of a gentle slope that we could swim there. The water was perfect, slightly cool on the hot summer morning.
This field had just been planted when I photographed it, baring its dry soil beneath the towering trees in the distance. By now there is certainly a field full of soybeans or corn, deep summer green.
Another farm image...this one in honor of my friend Anne, who always chose cornfield rows when we went out to paint together in Ohio. I am finally beginning to understand the draw of those rows upon rows, the natural rhythm of the field stretching into the distance.
Somehow yet again, too much time has passed since my last post. It has begun to feel like my summer is in a constant loop of driving to Atlanta (which I have done three out of the last four weekends) and camping. Not all bad, but just very busy! So, in the spirit of catching up, here are some new paintings. This one is from much earlier in the summer when we drove through the midwest...I am still finding all sorts of inspiration from that wide-open landscape.